Climate Risk Insurance

Climate risk insurance improves people's protection against climate-related loss and damage, thus strengthening their financial resilience against the negative impacts of climate change. The disbursement of insurance payments can serve as quick assistance in an emergency and prevent impoverishment, hunger and indebtedness. And dialogue between governments, insurance companies and experts can help improve disaster management.

Climate change has an influence on the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Nearly everywhere in the world, an increase in extreme heat can be observed. Hurricanes are causing more damage because of increased rainfall and higher floods. Developing and emerging economies are particularly exposed, as climatic changes are posing a threat to development gains that had already been made.

Climate risk insurance enables people to better cope with the consequences of extreme weather events. The German Development Ministry is pursuing efforts for the comprehensive and active management of climate risks worldwide, especially through its involvement in the InsuResilience Global Partnership. In that connection, it supports cooperation between governments, the private sector, multilateral institutions, civil society organisations and research institutes.

Why is there a need for climate risk insurance?

Quick emergency relief and swift recovery. After a disaster, valuable time passes while the international community and aid organisations often have to work hard to raise money. It is not uncommon for weeks or even months to pass before the survivors receive assistance. More and more governments and humanitarian organisations are realising that climate risk insurance facilitates quick and effective action. Such insurance protects human lives, livelihoods, but also the national budget, from the impacts of climate change.

Risk financing on the basis of climate risk insurance is based on a preparedness approach. This makes it possible in an emergency to pay out money to survivors a short time after, or even before, they have incurred a loss. This saves people's lives and assets and protects development gains that had already been made. In other words, insurance schemes help to reduce poverty, secure debt sustainability, attain sustainable development and also reduce the economic push factors of migration.

Entitlement to compensation for losses. Climate risk insurance gives insurance holders the certainty that, if the predefined events occur, they will really receive assistance after a disaster, enabling them to become less dependent on assistance and making their own contributions towards securing their livelihoods. In the case of index-based drought insurance, for example, the disbursement of benefits is contingent on precipitation levels remaining below a specified limit.

InsuResilience Global Partnership for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance Solutions

The aim of the InsuResilience Global Partnership(External link) is to increase the resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable groups in developing countries and emerging economies against climate risks and disasters. The Partnership was launched by Germany, together with other partners, during Germany's 2017 G20 Presidency. The multi-stakeholder partnership now has more than 100 members from industrialized and developing countries, civil society, the private sector, international organisations and the research community. Germany is the biggest supporter of this key initiative.

The various programs within the Partnership support pre-agreed schemes (such as climate risk insurance) which provide protection against the financial risks of climate impacts and disasters. Quick assistance and recovery protect the livelihoods of poor and vulnerable people against the consequences of climate-related events. Moreover, the Partnership supports the development of comprehensive climate and disaster risk strategies at the national and local levels in poor and vulnerable countries.

The Partnership has set itself an ambitious target in its Vision 2025(External link): to provide coverage to 500 million of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people by 2025.