"The future depends on what you do today"
Who we are

We are an environmental organization that empowers communities, particularly farmers, to conserve the environment and improve livelihoods.

- Mahatma Gandhi -
Mission & Values
We strive for better environmental management, community empowerment, and livelihood improvement using Climate Insurances, Information for local Authority and Farmers Guidance!
Person Icon

Stay open-minded

We always thrive for new Inventions
and Innovations to get us all together
faster to our goals.

Earth Icon

Protect the Earth

As Climate Change is increasing
our Agriculture Innovations help
to save our beloved planet.

Sun Icon

Stay optimistic

We are constantly challenging
ourselves and thrive to make
everybody smile!

Heart Icon

Work from love

We are working with a lot of volunteers as we do not want to profit on any kind of service.

Hand Icon

Lend a hand

New Farmer program to connect with each other. Share machinery or even employees.

Seeds Icon

Plant new seeds

Get access to our new independent market to buy seeds and crops for your farm.

Work Together Icon

Work together

We are working close with local Authorities and Farmers. Only together we can achieve our goals.

Open Book Icon

Be an open book

Transparency is our highest value. Come around and see for yourself. We are here to help.

Our Team
Meet the team of people making it happen.

Our leaders set our direction, goals and strategies, and support nearly 500 team members working in more than 20 states around India.

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Persons Name, Title Goes Here
Persons Name, Title Goes Here
Persons Name, Title Goes Here
Persons Name, Title Goes Here
Persons Name, Title Goes Here
Our Impact
We invest in a better tomorrow for the planet and all its people.

Farmers helped
to increase Income


Innovationcentres created


volunteers have been mobilized


new jobs have been created