What we do

We provide Information to Local Authorities and Farmers to assure the risks due to climate change and giving Farmers the guidance to accomplish a robust and stable Increase of Income.

"The future depends on what you do today"
- Mahatma Gandhi -
What We Do
Our mission is to create sustainable work for Farmers in India while helping to slow climate change.

Climate Risk Insurance

Climate risk insurance improves people's protection against climate-related loss and damage, thus strengthening their financial resilience against the negative impacts of climate change.

Education and Training

Farmers require ongoing education to stay aware of fast-moving developments in technology, science, business management, and an array of other skills and fields that affect agricultural operations.

Connecting Farmers

Connect to Farmers around you to be able to share machinery, experiences, saving costs and Increase Income. Register today to get all Informations to look into a sustainable future.
Climate Change is a Hunger Issue
Did You Know?

3 out of 4

People living in poverty depend on agriculture for survival.

100 million+

Number of people living in poverty due to climate change by 2030


How high crop yield losses could go by the year 2080

200 million+

Number of refugees dealing with food shortages by the year 2050

“I am a person who was helped by this organization. Before they gave me assistance, I was really struggling with this issue, but now my life is better.”

LET’S Take action now to save the future.

India Agri Growth Summit

India Agri Growth Summit will bring all the states and concerned stakeholders on single platform to engage in deliberations while advancing towards a progressive regulation, seamless inflow of the information to create awareness and understanding among masses and effective advocacy, keeping global trends and emerging market, policy and technology paradigm into account.
Latest News

The Farmers App

In 2022 the new Farmers App will arrive and we are exited to be able to help all Farmers:
- Connect easier to Farmers around you
- share Machinery
- Access to Crop AI
- Soil Health Card
- Weather Updates
-... and so on
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