Farmers Guidance


Intelligent Advisory System for Farmers (IASF) is an advisory system for answering queries related to farming activities carried out in Northeastern states of India. The system can be extended with inclusion of any other crops from any State of India. The project covers five major farming activities
(Insect Management, Disease Management, Weed Management, Rice Variety Selection and Fertilizer Management)
which required expertise advice relating to diagnostic and remedial measures.
IASF aims to improve and strengthen existing agriculture extension services by integrating Information Technology with mobile services. Sharing of knowledge among experts, farmers, students and research scholars are very important to the growth of the agriculture sector.

Become a Certified Farm Advisor

MANAGE has launched a new initiative called "Certified Farm Advisor/Certified Livestock Advisor" program to develop Agricultural Extension Personnel into Specialists in a particular Crop / Livestock.

The program consist of three Modules. First Module is on basic aspects of latest technologies in Crop /Livestock. The candidate enrolled for the program has to undergo online training for about 3 months which will be conducted by MANAGE.Thereupon, the candidate can opt for any particular crop or enterprise to become an expert in that specialization. List of specialization is enclosed. However specialization training will not be taken up unless minimum 20 candidates are enrolled. Based on the choice of the crop/enterprise, the candidates will be sponsored to relevant ICAR institution/SAUs or any reputed institute to undergo training for a period of 15 days.

During the training, the candidate will have an in-depth knowledge and learn the latest technologies relevant to selected crop/ enterprise.After completing rigorous training, the candidate will be allotted to Mentor Scientist/s from the concerned Research Institute for a period of one year for technical guidance to face the field level challenges. On completion, the candidate's Knowledge will be assessed based on the identified parameters to be declared as "Certified Farm Advisor" or “Certified Livestock Advisor” by MANAGE and technical partner.

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